Each class is divided in different levels of difficulty
that fit students `ability, thereby creating the highest learning efficiency.
Enthusiastic teachers educate politely
Our professional team will support you during the process of learning a language. You will learn Japanese quickly and correctly thanks to our unique learning program.
Preparation to the JLPT
In addition to the standard curriculum the school organizes trial exams in order to regularly check students `ability.
Lesson Curriculum
Every three months students can progress to higher levels. There are two kind of intermediate courses. Depending on the level of knowledge of beginner-level 1 and 2, students are directed to an intermediate course or to a pre-intermediate course. In the pre-intermediate course while students review the program of the beginner level improve their ability in reading, speaking and writing. Thanks to the level distinction each student can study in a clas that mach his ability.
- Students can use basic expression in everyday life conversations
and can read short and simple passages.
- Students can communicate in everyday life,
read and write short composition and express thoughts and feelings.
This level corresponds to the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N3 - N2.
- Students can speak with confidence about topics related to themselves,
can describe general circumstances and events.
This level corresponds to the N2 of JLPT.
Advanced 1
- Students can read newspapers and magazines and express a personal opinion
without supervision. They can understand newspaper editorials and documentary program on television.
This level correspond to the N1 of JLPT.
Advanced 2
- Students can debate on complex and abstract topic, can listen and use fluently academic Japanese that matches university and working standards. They can react appropriately in every situation.
Educational Policy
In order to make our student comfortable during their stay in Japan we don't only teach Japanese but also Japanese manner and culture.
Cheerful and lively greetings are the best way to start a day
In Yamate Japanese Language School
When you meet other people in the moring say "Ohayo Gozaimasu"
During the day "Konnichiwa"
When you leave somebody "Sayonara" in a loud voice.
Starting a new day with a cheerful and lively greeting shows the mutual respect and appreciation for others. We think that greeting with a smiling face is indispensable to create a trust relationship between teachers and students. We want to produce a relaxing environment where student and teacher can work in comfortably.
You are living in Japan, so let's learn manner like Japanese people!
Listening students `opinion about Japan
1. Cities are awesome
2. Japanese people are friendly
3. The cost of living is high
Everything and everybody are punctual
It is very easy to hear comment such as “in Japan there are a lot of people who work till late”, “for a lot of people work comes first” or “work clothes rules are very strict” and so on. Sometimes also Japanese people think that in comparison with other Asian counties this may be true, but we actually can`t say if this is bad point or not. However, in order to make our students feel comfortable in Japan, we teach them the etiquette, all the rules that they should know and the common way of thinking of Japanese people
* We think that knowing and understanding Japanese rules and behavior would be very helpful for our students‘future.

Do not come late to class, do not skip the lessons
In Japan lessons always start on time. Students that skip lessons or came frequently in late will lose their credibility toward the school. (this is true for working place as well)
Keep your promise
In Japan, respecting prearranged decisions is an important condition. People that do not assume their responsibility cause nuisance to others.
Hold cheerful greetings anywhere
Hold cheerful greetings with a smile on your face and you will get the sympathy from people around you.
Do not try to skip the queue on train or bus
Do not speak aloud in restaurant and caf�. Keep the table clean.
Dispose your garbage in the appropriate box
When you do something wrong, do not tell lie and admit your responsibility.
Behavior considered normal in your country may be not tolerated in Japan. Respecting rules also mean do not disturb or give trouble to others.
We hope that each student will act as a proud representative of his country.